August 9, 2011

How can I improve?

Hey guys!

Okay, so I guess this might get a liiittle whiny. If so, sorry in advance!

I can't help but notice that I'm not getting as many views as I used to, not that I've been at this very long, but still. I also haven't gotten a single comment on my latest chapter, and I don't think I'm the only legacy blogger who kind of "lives for the comments". So naturally I feel a bit sad about that. Why post if you don't get feedback, you know?

So to anyone who is reading, or even better, anyone who's decided "meh, not my cup of tea", I want to pose this question: What can I do better; how can I improve?

I've had some thoughts of changes I can make, especially comparing my legacy to others, and these are:

- Longer/shorter chapters
- More pictures
- Less dramatic/dark storyline
- Switch from Blogspot to Wordpress
- Getting a Facebook page for the legacy (is it worth the trouble, is there a big legacy blogger community on FB?)
- Posting new chapters more frequently/less frequently
- Obviously, getting better at writing, but that's something I strive for all the time so can't make a radical change there unfortunately

So what do you guys think? What can I change to make my readers keep reading (and commenting :P)? Feel free to leave anonymous comments if you feel more comfortable with that. :)



  1. I'm sorry I haven't been so active lately, I was editing some pictures for Spellbound and then had to do it all over again.... and I'm still at it...argh!
    But you're like me, I always get in the mood for a happy dance when I see a comment. :)
    What can you do to improve? mhm.. I don't know about the FB community... I already have too many email accounts as it is, so that's a no for me. Maybe switching over to WP is an option since a lot more bloggers seem to write their legacies there.
    As far as chapter length, it is tough to say. Like the funeral for Mort chapter... you couldn't cut that short. Maybe longer paragraphs can be separated by some more pictures.I really enjoy your story. So I think it's the platform.

  2. Oh, you don't have to apologize! xD I get that you have a life, we all do. Sucks about the pictures, having to do it all over again. I hate when stuff like that happens. Like, the next to last chapter I had to do three times over. Not writing it of course, but putting all the pictures in and fixing the code.

    Aaaanyway. About Wordpress, I really think it's confusing and I'm used to Blogspot, but as you say, most people seem to be on Wordpress. And I think maybe it's easier to keep track of new posts there? I don't know. Since I have all my favorite blogs in the column to the write I can always check there if someone's updated.

    The funeral episode was actually my shortest one yet. The Roth one was almost twice as long. But I know what you mean, big blocks of text can be offputting, if you're reading the story for the images. My phone often messes with WP blogs so I can't see the pictures, and I usually don't notice 'cause I read the text and that's enough for me most of the time. But I definitely understand what you're saying.

    I'll think more about all of this. And thank you for your feedback, it means alot!

  3. Oh my pleasure! I think for writing using the Sims games, it is a good 50-50, pictures and writing. I enjoy looking at a good looking Sim. ;)
    WP was different for me, too. I think my first blogging experience was with Blogspot. And in the end it just confused me. WP wasn't better, but I managed. I probably spent days finding a theme I liked, and more time finding out what all the features do. WP doesn't have that site thingy you have there, but it has Blogs I follow, there you can see who updated stuff. It's just not the actual blog.
    Oh with picture, again, You prob read Splash of Color rainbowcy, well I sometimes have trouble seeing the pictures. They load so slow, I don't have that prob with other legacies.

  4. Ooooh, are you on FB? The girls have a sims writer group on it, and we share when we update or show random pictures from our chapters, or even random towns we're playing for fun. It's quite awesome!! And I don't have an FB page for my story. I don't quite see the point in it.

    In regards to the story, I think you do a wonderful job. It might be because you're on blogspot and us wordpress users can't get told that you've got an update or something, so people might forget. -shrug- It's probably nothing to do with your writing. Hope that helps a little.


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